NaNoWriMo Day 20: Thanksgiving Week!

Yeeeeeah. Haven’t gotten a lot done. I think I’m at 36k, so I’m not TOO far behind where I should be… but it’s time for retail hell (aka The Holidays) and I’m EXHAUSTED already. I’ll see if I can’t get some stuff done tomorrow after work and after I have dinner with my David **** Pinata on Thursday.

There’s a lot going on in my world. Well, not exactly, not in the BIG picture. Work is exhausting. But I have horriflific insomnia and don’t sleep until nearly dawn, and then when I do wake up (in the early afternoon) I immediately try to do some meditating (b/c I’m part of this meditation challenge thing), but when I start to go into that deep trance, SOMETHING happens. Like, my phone rings (and no one ever calls me), or I forget to turn my alarm off and it plays One Direction loudly, or…oh, I don’t know, an EARTHQUAKE happens and there’s a sonic boom that moves my bed a couple of inches and scares the LIFE out of me.


That earthquake thing happened today, btw. That wasn’t me being overly dramatic. That was an earthquake.

It’s always something….


Since I know this week is a busy, draining week for normal people and empaths alike, I’m not being super strict with myself on my story. I’m breathing, relaxing when I can….and I’m watching a livestream of kittens.


Yes. Livestream of kittens.

Four of them. And their mom. The Spice Kittens are mom Rosemary, Pepper, Basil, Mace, and Sage are the CUTEST kittens on earth and  can be found by clicking the pic.Warning: all productivity will cease, but you will be instantly more content. Unless the cute little bastards are off camera.

But there’s this guy John, who fosters cats and their litters until they are ready to be adopted. I think he fosters for Purrfect Pals, and has done this for MANY fur balls. There’s more info on the stream’s page. The stream runs 24/7, and if there’s no kitty action at the moment, there’s a dvr feature that allows you to rewind.

Seriously, though, if you’re stressed or sad or just need a break, check out the stream. It really is worth it.

NaNoWriMo Day 5–EARTHQUAKE!!! : Captain’s Log

I’m on shaky ground here, dear readers, and I mean that quite literally.

I just felt my first earthquake.

And let me tell you, that was some crazy shit.

I heard it before it hit. And that really freaked me out.

Then everything started shaking and tilting a touch, the lights flickering, the internet freaking out…and I just sat here in front of my desk with my mouth open, watching it all happen.

Not even trying to save the fish when the water threatened to splash out. I only watched my monitor dance across the desk. I did nothing to stop it.

I just sat here. There was no doorway action, no hiding under something sturdy.

I had no plan, I didn’t know how serious it was going to be, but I did not move.

And rather than concentrate on that, I’m just gonna let you know what I got done in the past 24 hours for NaNoWriMo.

I got two chapters taken care of, Chapters 5 and 6.
Chapter 5 went from 1376 words, 5 pages, to 13 pages and 3459 words. Chapter 6 went from 5 to 9 pages, and 1128 to 2528 words.

And boy, has the physical shift been made in this story. Not like, actually IN the story, but in the format and pages. I have a feeling it’s going to undergo another shift change when I’m done with draft 2.

Shaking things up, all Earthquake-in-Oklahoma-style.